Monday, May 18, 2009

ETC Episode 29 - May 18th, 2009

This week we have a TON of news and discussion and one of our favourite bands of all time. And, for the first time ever. WIN. FREE. STUFF.
Not win stuff that is free, but WIN STUFF for FREE...Yeah. And not just any stuff, you have a chance to win an album from this week's featured band. Listen to the podcast for the deets on how to WIN FREE STUFF.

Here are some things we talked about:

This week's song:


Brodie said...

District 9 - The Aliens are actually slaves to humans and start an uprising.

Brodie said...

You can contact me any time!

David Hammel said...

Aaron mentioned an identifier that someone would give and it would be connected to all of the contact information associated with the person. I may have some insight on this.

I have not heard of this in regards to individuals, but I know that there is a similar program being used in Australia for businesses. It's called "the business number". It has become so popular that many (I think even the vast majority) only have the business number on their business card and allow the clients to find the contact information through the database. Clearly, the concept works.

We have something similar in Canada for taxes but it has not yet been extended to the general public (probably due to privacy concerns) and definitely not to private individuals.

Casey and Aaron said...

Hey David,

thanks so much for your comments on the past two posts - it's nice to have generated some thought among the listeners.

As we have so few, the comments section has always been lacking a bit, so thanks for the comments.

I've gotta ask though - do we know you, or are you someone who randomly stumbled onto our podcast? 'Cause we always find it surprising if someone we don't know is actually listening. Pleased of course, but surprised.


David Hammel said...

Yep, you know me!

Had pizza with you a few nights ago. Good times! :)

Ryan said...

A Beatles Guitar Hero sounds like the best thing ever.