Monday, April 28, 2008

ETC Episode 4 - April 27th, 2008

We're back with new music, lots of swearing, and interesting news about Larry Wachowski.

Here are some things we talked about:

This episode's song:

Thanks for listening.


Rob said...

GUYS!!! You're supposed to be entertainment and technology news....and you even bring up video games.....and you don't plug the biggest game release of, PROBABLY, the decade?!?!?!? GTA IV is being released this week! How can you not mention that?!?!? Even Mario Kart Wii warrants some sort of mention. Get on the ball guys!!!

Harsh, yes. Harsh...but fair

Casey and Aaron said...

you know it's weird, 'cause GTA IV has been on my 'list' of news since episode 1 and I still haven't gotten around to it- so yeah, no excuse for that. Mario Kart -hmmmmm, I'm just gonna say it - probably one of the most overrated games of all time. Seriously - after the SNES version, I lost interest in those games. When it comes down to it, I think I'd even rather play Super Off-Road:p

Although, the Wii version is suppsoed to be cool. We'll see.


Rob said...

I'll agree with you on MArio kart...even though i did buy it. But Mario Kart still warrants more of a mention than Guitar hero for your cell phone. Still a pretty big release. Speaking of which...Mario Kart's online play is supposed to be good so hurry up and buy.

Casey and Aaron said...

yeah, way to drop the ball there Casey...


Casey and Aaron said...

Yeah, I may have dropped the ball aaron, but I do believe Rob was criticizing the "Guitar Hero" news which was your news if I recall correctly:)
